Objects in Stock
What happens to the things we own, but don't need or use anymore?
A six-part series, Objects in Stock takes a critical look at our everyday, unused belongings. The project originated out of frustration for having too much stuff and anxiety about where it was going to go once thrown out. The books juxtapose the objects with a to-do list and with product descriptions of related items. The first five books sort the items based on their purpose, and a sixth book works as a reference.
THE Book series installed in gallery
Complete series, in assembled format
Vector silhouette of the object across from an online description of a similar product
All 65 objects from books, installed on shelves in the gallery
Vinyl numbers connect the objects to their correlating page numbers in the series
7.5” x 10”
180 pages
Object installation: approx. 20’ x 4’
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